Daucus carota L.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:1,0 g
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Ex Tax: 2.45€
Early carrots (mixture of colours).
Nantes 3 (orange) - 30%
Taborska Zluta (yellow) - 30%
Purple Haze F1 (violet) - 20%
White Satin (white) - 20%

How to grow carrots.
First of all, I would like to note that carrots are an extremely light-loving plant. The brighter the location, the easier it is to grow and the more often it can “sit.”
You can sow carrots before winter from September 15 to 30 (but it is better not to do this, since the seeds often freeze, and there is no special germination rate compared to early spring sowings).
In spring, sowing carrots can begin on April 15, but it is most advisable to sow in warm soil, approximately after May 5. The end of sowing is May 31.
Soil preparation. Carrots, like all other root vegetables, love loose, well-drained soil. To prepare it, add per 1 square meter 1 bucket of manure humus, 1 bucket of peat or turf soil, 1 bucket of sand, 1 bucket of rotted sawdust (this is optional, can be replaced with peat), 1 liter of garden lime (dolomite flour), 1/2 liters of ash, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon of nitroamophoska and 1 teaspoon of potash fertilizers. All this is carefully dug up and formed into ridges 45-50 centimeters wide.
Sowing seeds. Sowing of seeds is carried out in 3 longitudinal rows 1/2 centimeter deep, carried out in such a way that one of them runs in the middle of the ridge, and the other 2 at a distance of 5 cm from the edge. The seeds are scattered in a pinch at a consumption of 1 gram per 3 linear meters. Next, the seeds are covered with the same soil. The ridges are watered and lightly sprinkled with well-rotted peat or turf soil.
Since carrot seeds germinate very poorly, we advise you to cover the beds with covering material before germination. If it is not there, you can use film, but on hot days this should not be done due to possible overheating.
Caring for crops. The first thinning is carried out at the stage of formation of 2-3 leaves at the seedlings. The most developed plants are left at a distance of approximately 1 cm from each other. Along with this, weeding is also carried out. The thinned rows are lightly hilled using a hand hoe, then the beds are watered.
The second thinning is carried out at the stage of ovary worming. Just like the first time, the best plants are left, but now the distance between them is 2-3 cm. The plants no longer hill up, but the rows are loosened.
Watering is done as needed. It should be especially intense in July. During the growing period, it is advisable to carry out 2 fertilizing with organic fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out during the period between thinnings and the second - in mid-July. To do this, you can use slurry diluted in a ratio of 1 to 15-20 with a consumption of 10 liters per 1 square meter of bed or humate, diluting it according to the instructions.
Slurry is prepared as follows: place several buckets of fresh manure in a container and fill it with water in a 1:1 ratio, cover it so that it does not rain and does not smell bad. Leave for 3-4 days, stirring occasionally (once a day).
Only the dissolved part is used for feeding. The remaining grounds can be refilled with water in the same ratio.
The harvest for storage takes place in September. The main criterion for harvesting is that the carrots begin to appear fresh leaves and small hairs on the roots.
This indicates that the carrots need to be removed. These carrots must be dried well, otherwise they will sprout.
If you harvested carrots before the above signs appeared, you can rest assured that they will not grow.
When harvesting carrots for storage, it is better not to cut the tops, but to break them off with your hands, making twisting movements, with a slight break. This also hinders its growth.

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